In this webinar we will discuss how the power dynamics in…

When Shame Enters the Therapy Room With Dr Ruth Birkebaek
Saturday, 1st March 2025
Location: In- Person at St John’s, Marlborough, Wilts
In this workshop we will discuss how the power dynamics in the therapeutic relationship and supervisory relationship can foster shame. Sometimes the archaic relational needs or the transference-countertransference dyad of the therapist or supervisor may be activated in the therapeutic/supervisory relationship, interrupting contact. This lack of contact from the therapist or supervisor may activate script beliefs in the client or supervisee and then shame invades the relationship – nondisclosure and self-righteousness become the supervisee’s/client’s self-protective mechanism against shame.
How can we repair our own misattunement and build safety when shame enters the therapeutic/supervisory relationship?
Participants will learn to:
- Understand the interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics of shame
- Attune to the cognitive, affective and physiological manifestations of shame
- Attune to one’s archaic relational needs and its impact in the therapeutic/supervisory relationship
- Repair the mis-attunements that may foster shame
This workshop will be didactic and experiential. Through a mix of lecture, case-discussions and live demonstration this training will help clinicians to create a respectful, contactful, authentic and involved therapeutic/supervisory relationship to heal shame.
CPD certificates will be supplied.
For more information, course fee and bookings: Email or call 07792 613154